Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Assembly Source File
230 lines
; This program is in public domain
; Jussi Puttonen 22.7.1990
; modified 12.8.1990
EMUL_MODE equ 88 ; Paradise VGA 800x600
code segment para public 'code'
assume cs:code
comment #
rows_on_screen equ 600/16
cols_on_screen equ 800/8
; tweaked register values
; 800 x 600 mode
crtc_regs db 074h ; horisontal total time (0)
db 063h ; horisontal display end (1)
db 064h ; start horisontal blank (2)
db 097h ; end horisontal blank (3)
db 068h ; start horisontal retrace (4)
db 095h ; end horisontal retrace (5)
db 086h ; vertical total (6)
db 0F0h ; overflow register (7)
db 000h, 060h, 000h, 000h ; misc
db 000h, 000h, 002h, 085h
db 05Bh ; vertical retrace start (10)
db 08Dh ; vertical retrace end
db 057h ; vertical display end
db 032h ; offset register
db 000h
db 060h ; start vertical blank
db 080h ; end vertical blank
db 0E3h ; mode control
db 0FFh
rows_on_screen equ 600/16
cols_on_screen equ 800/8
; tweaked register values
; 800 x 564 mode
crtc_regs db 074h ; horisontal total time (0)
db 063h ; horisontal display end (1)
db 064h ; start horisontal blank (2)
db 097h ; end horisontal blank (3)
db 068h ; start horisontal retrace (4)
db 095h ; end horisontal retrace (5)
db 062h ; vertical total (6)
db 0F0h ; overflow register (7)
db 000h, 060h, 000h, 000h ; misc
db 000h, 000h, 002h, 061h
db 037h ; vertical retrace start (10)
db 089h ; vertical retrace end
db 033h ; vertical display end
db 032h ; offset register
db 000h
db 03Ch ; start vertical blank
db 05Ch ; end vertical blank
db 0E3h ; mode control
db 0FFh
comment #
rows_on_screen equ 564/16
cols_on_screen equ 752/8
; tweaked register values
; 752 x 564 mode
crtc_regs db 06Eh ; horisontal total time (0)
db 05Dh ; horisontal display end (1)
db 05Eh ; start horisontal blank (2)
db 091h ; end horisontal blank (3)
db 062h ; start horisontal retrace (4)
db 08Fh ; end horisontal retrace (5)
db 062h ; vertical total (6)
db 0F0h ; overflow register (7)
db 000h, 060h, 000h, 000h ; misc
db 000h, 000h, 002h, 061h
db 037h ; vertical retrace start (10)
db 089h ; vertical retrace end
db 033h ; vertical display end
db 02Fh ; offset register
db 000h
db 03Ch ; start vertical blank
db 05Ch ; end vertical blank
db 0E3h ; mode control
db 0FFh
OldVector dd 0
Handler: cmp ax, EMUL_MODE
je set_mode
cmp ax, EMUL_MODE + 80h
je set_mode
assume ds:nothing
jmp [OldVector]
push ds
push es
and ax, 80h
or ax, 12h
int 10h ; set video mode to 12h
push cs
pop ds
assume ds:code
mov ax,1124h ; load ROM 8*16 characters
mov bx,0
mov dh,0
mov dl, rows_on_screen
int 10h
; this code is from FRACTINT, a public domain
; fractal program
mov ax,40h ; Video BIOS DATA area
mov es,ax ; ...
mov ax, cols_on_screen
mov word ptr es:[4ah],ax
mov ax, cols_on_screen*rows_on_screen*2
mov word ptr es:[4ch],ax
mov dx,word ptr es:[63h] ; say, where's the 6845?
add dx,6 ; locate the status register
vrdly1: in al,dx ; loop until vertical retrace is off
test al,8 ; ...
jnz vrdly1 ; ...
vrdly2: in al,dx ; now loop until it's on!
test al,8 ; ...
jz vrdly2 ; ...
cli ; turn off all interrupts
mov dx,03c4h ; Sequencer Synchronous reset
mov ax,0100h ; set sequencer reset
out dx,ax
mov dx,03c2h ; Update Misc Output Reg
mov al,0E7h
out dx,al
mov dx,03c4h ; Sequencer Synchronous reset
mov ax,0300h ; clear sequencer reset
out dx,ax
mov si, offset crtc_regs
mov dx,word ptr es:[63h] ; say, where's the 6845?
mov al,11h ; deprotect registers 0-7
mov ah,byte ptr [si+11h]
and ah,7fh
out dx,ax
mov cx,18h ; update this many registers
mov bx,00 ; starting with this one.
mov al,bl ; update this register
mov ah,byte ptr [bx+si] ; to this
out dx,ax
inc bx ; ready for the next register
loop crtcloop ; (if there is a next register)
; code quoted from FRACTINT ends here
pop es
pop ds
pspseg dw 0
assume ds:nothing
mov pspseg, ds
;; Get Interrupt
mov ax,3510h
int 21h
mov word ptr OldVector.2,es
mov word ptr OldVector,bx
;; Set Interrupt
mov ax,2510h
mov dx,seg Handler
mov ds,dx
mov dx,offset Handler
int 21h
;; Now T S R
mov dx,offset start
mov cl,4
shr dx,cl
add dx, 1
mov ax, cs
add dx, ax
sub dx, pspseg
mov ax,3100h
int 21h
code ends
DB 256 DUP (?)
end start